Krystyna Diethelm / Jacqueline Schmuckli

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In the early 90s, I discovered my passion for paper cutting. My beginnings were marked by traditional paper cuts such as alpine scenes, animal images, life trees, or ornaments. Later, I experimented with coloured paper and modern designs. My preference for sports and movement is reflected in unconventional, unexpected creations such as “Ski Marathon,” “Dance Your Way Free,” or “Tour de Suisse.”


The general perception of paper cutting mainly involves alpine scenes, black silhouettes, and symmetrical images. When I started paper cutting more than 10 years ago, I also used the classic folding technique. However, I made a commitment never to cut an alpine scene. Inspired by nature and the mountains, I gradually began to work with structures. I greatly admire the woodcuts of Emil Zbinden and Franz Gertsch. Gradually, I developed my own style. Today, I mainly work with photos as a basis for my motifs. The photos are taken during hikes and mountain tours in Switzerland or during trips abroad. Often, I already photograph with a ‘paper cutting’ eye. Indeed, not every motif is necessarily a good basis for an interesting paper cut. The images must be contrasting and structured. It is also a challenge to create a composition that is a coherent piece of paper and does not fall apart into pieces.