Marianne Dubuis

From to

Cours terminé

“Reliance: what connects us, you and me, in my quest to represent a world full of life, joy, respect, serenity, and your response to my paper stories… sharing emotions… a seed of dreams…”

“Tradition is the transmission of fire, not the worship of ashes.”

This motto by Gustav Mahler became Marianne Dubuis’ own, through her sensitive and emotional cut-outs.

As life brings change, Marianne Dubuis’ style evolves searching for depth, “elevation”, and a cut that gets as close as possible to her feelings, as a perfectionist.

As a recognized paper cutting artist since 1979, she has exhibited throughout Switzerland, France, Germany, Japan, and her work can be found in many private collections.

Many renowned companies have called on her for collaborations: Cailler, Nespresso, Valmont, Gexist jewelry, among many others.

Next major project: a solo exhibition from June 3 to September 3, 2023, at the Pays d’Enhaut Museum in Château-d’Oex, newly transformed and expanded into the Center for Paper Cutting.

The artist will be on site for demonstration sessions:

  • June 3-4
  • July 8-9
  • August 5-19
  • September 3, 2023